
A modern approach to women’s healthcare


A modern approach to women’s healthcare


A modern approach to women’s healthcare


Nexplanon® implant is a type of birth control that is 99.9% effective in preventing unintended pregnancies. It is currently the most effective long acting reversible contraceptive on the market with a failure rate of less than 0.05%. It is a flexible rod that is placed underneath the skin of the arm and remains in place for 3 years. A great option for those looking for an alternative to an IUC or a non-uterine placement.

~$330 (these costs may be covered by third party insurance)
How Does It Work?
Releases a progesterone called etonogestrel, which slowly releases hormones to prevent ovulation and thicken cervical mucus making it difficult for the sperm and egg to meet
How Well Does It Prevent Pregnancy?
99.9% effective (most effective LARC on the market)
How Long Does It Last For?
3 years
Bleeding Profile
Generally improves bleeding profile
Does not contain estrogen. Decreases menstrual bleeding profile. Decreases menstrual cramps. Safe in breastfeeding
Irregular menstrual bleeding (up to 20% of women). Some women may experience mood swings, acne, headaches or breast tenderness
Emergency Contraception

Prior to Your Procedure

  • Review the information above and come prepared with your questions to the first appointment
  • No unprotected intercourse for a minimum of two weeks prior to the insertion of your implant
  • Come prepared to your appointment to provide a urine sample (we always want to rule out pregnancy prior to your insertion)


Nexplanon Education/Consent Form
Nexplanon Discharge Instructions